Mango farms where? Climate change is scrambling where the world’s food is grown
Even as warming and disease have eroded Florida’s citrus production, its mango industry has experienced a boom.
Even as warming and disease have eroded Florida’s citrus production, its mango industry has experienced a boom.
Every year, Florida conducts prescribed burns on more than 2 million acres – more than any other state.
Unlike armored shorelines, living shorelines offer flood and erosion protection without disrupting waterflow and marine life.
Conserving water is crucial for enhancing the sustainability of Florida’s $434 million-a-year strawberry industry.Â
A major focus of the collaborative research is on how urchins can improve the growth and survival of corals. Â
About 2 million Florida homes – or about 30% of the state’s residents – rely on septic to treat wastewater.
Foremost among changes at the marine research facility is the purchase of a new mobile lab.
One way to slow down subsidence is to flood the area during Florida’s rainy season and use the fields to ...
The 28 pine logs that make up the column structure were harvested 7 miles away, in UF’s Austin Cary Forest
Florida's Blue-Green Algae Task Force wants data on the state’s strategy for curbing farm-related nutrient pollution
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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