Affordable insurance should not be our ultimate goal. We need to address the underlying riskÂ
The insurance affordability crisis demands responses that first and foremost prioritize resilience.
The insurance affordability crisis demands responses that first and foremost prioritize resilience.
Florida may be 'first and worst' into this mess, but sea level rise and worsening storms are coming for all ...
Enhancing resiliency and encouraging smart development will continue to chase away the storm clouds of insurance woes.
The report on the state-owned Citizens Property Insurance Corp. made several recommendations.
Florida TaxWatch's report examined factors contributing to the market's instability, including damages from hurricanes and litigation.
As Florida faces an increased threat of hurricanes, heat waves and flooding, insurers have dropped plans or raised prices
One in 13 homeowners across the US is uninsured, according to a recent study by the Consumer Federation of America.
Climate change brings more frequent and intense natural disasters, increasing costs and leading to increasing expectations of loss.
Conservatives can respond to climate in a way that doesn’t involve intrusive government regulation or unaffordable spending programs.
By Robert F. Sanchez, Right to the Point On an island a few miles south of Charleston, South Carolina, you’ll ...
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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