A preemptive strike? The Chiquita Lock and the greater implications for citizen engagement
By suing citizens who challenge municipal actions, Cape Coral sends a clear message: Opposition will not be tolerated.
By suing citizens who challenge municipal actions, Cape Coral sends a clear message: Opposition will not be tolerated.
Over-extraction of the aquifer and rising sea levels allow saltwater to encroach into Florida’s groundwater.
Conservation biologist Chris Searcy is uncovering patterns in the spread of invasive animals and plants in South Florida.
Corporations and nongovernment organizations have a variety of ways to encourage protection of wetlands.
Natural features are an effective defense against erosion, storms and flooding – but only if we protect and restore them.
Studies show areas with natural defenses such as marshes see less damage than areas where they were degraded or removed.
Supporters are trying to put a 'Right to Clean and Healthy Waters' amendment to the Florida Constitution on the 2026 ...
Water crises can be caused by either too much or too little water, challenging infrastructure in unexpected ways.
Sea-level rise means portions of today’s coastal wetlands will be lost to the ocean in the years and decades to ...
Almost a quarter of Florida's land may be at greater risk of pollution or development, an Environmental Defense Fund analysis ...
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