Taking care of unfinished business: Inspect septic systems to help prevent harmful algal blooms
Florida has millions of possibly leaking septic tanks along the shores and banks of our lakes, rivers and streams.
Florida has millions of possibly leaking septic tanks along the shores and banks of our lakes, rivers and streams.
Florida's Blue-Green Algae Task Force wants data on the state’s strategy for curbing farm-related nutrient pollution
Supporters are trying to put a 'Right to Clean and Healthy Waters' amendment to the Florida Constitution on the 2026 ...
The Legislature must keep our communities safe from storms, promote solar energy and purchase strategic wilderness areas.
With the state’s waterways swollen and stressed since Hurricane Ian, widespread outbreaks are feared again this summer.
House Bill 1489 designates the Brevard Barrier Island Area as an Area of Critical State Concern.
By Pam McVety As a scientist and life-long Florida environmentalist, I am appalled that the governor bragged in his inauguration ...
By Anna Upton, Everglades Trust Since taking office, Gov. Ron DeSantis has made a name for himself as America’s Everglades ...
By TCPalm/Treasure Coast Newspapers Editorial Board Patience is said to be a virtue. But not when it leads to complacency. ...
By Ed Killer Does clean water matter to you? Dead manatees. Poisonous toxic algae blooms. Canals sullied by foul runoff. Marshes ...
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