Your voice matters: Collective action is powerful in tackling climate changeÂ
Advocate for policies that reduce harmful emissions, promote clean energy and protect vulnerable communities.
Advocate for policies that reduce harmful emissions, promote clean energy and protect vulnerable communities.
It’s time to accept science, govern by economic reason and embrace responsible governance.
A Miami professor co-authored a letter in support of legislation to protect octopuses from being commercially farmed.
With bold investments in transit, we can rapidly cut emissions — and make life better for all of us.
Policies that protect our commons from waste and overuse can also serve growth and the free market.
The PROVE IT Act is an innovative piece of legislation that could help Florida industries emerge as leaders in carbon ...
Vessel strikes have caused at least 36 deaths and 85 serious injuries of North Atlantic right whales since 2017, according to NOAA.
The US Army Corps of Engineers has long pumped sand onto Pinellas County beaches, but a change in policy has ...
The federal Disaster Relief Fund is set to run out of money this fall if Congress can’t come to an ...
23 Floridians joined hundreds of grassroots volunteers from every state to push for bold climate policy.
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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