Temperatures on the rise in NFL cities, including Super Bowl location
The three Florida cities with NFL teams – Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa – have all faced increasing heat.
The three Florida cities with NFL teams – Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa – have all faced increasing heat.
The multi-day meeting returned to Miami's Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science for the second year.
For Florida and the rest of the US, this warming trend is part of a larger, long-term pattern.
Dredging projects have more than doubled the depths of shipping channels, which can lead to larger high tides and storm ...
New research indicates that to keep Miami’s tree canopy resilient, tropical species may be the best option.
Climate gentrification is when traditional communities are displaced because of change-change impacts like sea level rise.
Studies show that of all the cities in the world, Miami has the most to lose from sea level rise.
It’s time for Florida to take charge of reimagining a transportation system that is accessible, affordable and equitable.
Sharks are venturing into new locations as the water warms due to climate change.
An influx of wealthy residents is migrating to high inland areas like Little Haiti to evade rising sea levels.
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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