More, bigger crevasses open up in Greenland ice sheet, threatening increased sea level rise
Increased crevassing could lead to a feedback loop that accelerates ice loss and ultimately raises sea levels.
Increased crevassing could lead to a feedback loop that accelerates ice loss and ultimately raises sea levels.
In the first study of its kind, UF researchers describe the effect of climate change on Antarctic ice shelves.
New University of Florida research reveals that a single exposure to heatstroke can lead to lasting damage.
American Conservation Coalition founder Benji Backer will be speaking at the UF Climate Communications Summit.
Environmental journalist Cynthia Barnett offers historical lessons on protecting Alachua County from climate impacts.
Alachua County is preparing for a more dangerous future, even if the state government won't say 'climate.'
An increase in extreme heat and severe droughts lops off about 0.2% of a country’s GDP, a new study found.
The population of insect pollinators is dropping in the US, due to pesticides, climate change and other factors.
A new report finds that data gaps end up putting vulnerable communities at even more risk.
UF/IFAS researchers are trying to grow coffee in Florida to test it as an alternative crop for the state's farmers.
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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