New FEMA maps bring Florida’s flood risks to forefront
The new maps mean more Floridians will be required to buy flood insurance.
The new maps mean more Floridians will be required to buy flood insurance.
Many denied claims relate to flood damage, a peril not typically covered under standard homeowners' insurance policies.
Strong building codes and programs to elevate homes and add features like hurricane shutters will help create a resilient Florida.
As the costs of multiple natural disasters continue to pile up, don’t expect Uncle Sam to keep coming to the ...
Only about 12% of the nearly 9 million properties across the state of Florida have flood insurance.
Just one inch of water can cause up to $25,000 in damage to your home.
An analysis of sea level rise showed that the American South is experiencing one of the most rapid surges on ...
Research shows the soaring costs hint at widespread, unpriced risk as the global climate warms, with states like Florida hit ...
Selling policies directly to consumers could save millions, but FEMA and insurance companies say it’s not quite that straightforward.
King tides have been supercharged by sea-level rise in recent decades, which has pushed the tides further inland.
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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