Climate change matters to more and more people – and could be a deciding factor in the 2024 election
If the election were held today, the evidence suggests that most voters would prefer a climate-conscious candidate.
If the election were held today, the evidence suggests that most voters would prefer a climate-conscious candidate.
It’s necessary to break the ingrained habit that infrastructure investment is solely the government’s job.
The inspiration for the American Climate Corps comes from President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps.
At least five large property insurers have said extreme weather patterns caused them to stop writing coverages in some regions.
Gov. DeSantis toured the storm damage and President Biden declared a major disaster area for Florida's hardest-hit counties.
The massive Amazon, the world’s largest tropical rainforest, is the most important carbon dioxide vacuum cleaner we’ve got on land.
We implore the Biden administration to heed the call of hundreds of thousands of Americans and put an end to ...
Biden directed the Department of Labor to conduct more inspections of potentially dangerous work sites and strictly enforce heat safety ...
More than 100 elected officials from across the country, including 28 from Florida, signed a letter to Biden.
President Biden will need to convince young voters that he has accomplished enough in climate policy to deserve a second ...
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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